About half of the track was successfully exported to Richard Burns Rally today. Here are a few screenshots thus far; more will be added soon. You can also see a bit of the new section here already, this starts halfway through the stage. And as you can see I also made a tiny piece of […]
Category: RBR tracks
Progress construction Gestel 2
I’d like to inform you that the construction of Gestel 2 is proceeding steadily. The layout is now complete, with all static items in place, such as vegetation, houses, fencing, and so on. Also, I’ve gotten to the point where most of the moving objects are placed on the track. The screenshots on this page […]
Progress new RBR track Gestel 2
Here is a brief update on the construction of the new RBR track Gestel 2. It did take some time for me to become acquainted with Blender. But it was well worth it because the RBR Blender Add-on has made significant progress. This Blender addon has considerably enlarged the creative and technical possibilities for us […]
Rally SS Wintelre November Update
This track for Richard Burns Rally is the 2008 version of Rally Special Stage Wintelre. Wintelre is part of the Dutch Paradigit ELE-rally. In 2008 the ELE-rally was organised on the 7th and 8th of June. I have continued with the construction of this track. The road surface is completely finished. I’m working now on […]